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We realize that in many circles there is much disagreement as to standards of dress. We at Canadian Baptist Bible College, have chosen the highest standards possible so as not to offend (Romans 14; I Corinthians 8). We believe that modesty is not the only issue, but distinction of the sexes as well. We lift up manhood and honor womanhood. Therefore, we require the following:




All men students are required to wear dress shirts and ties to classes, preaching, meals and church services (unless the student is working). When spectators at athletic contests they may dress casually. In areas designated for recreation or work, sweatshirts or T-shirts and jeans, but not shorts, may be worn. Shirttails are to be worn in. Shoes and socks must be worn in public. Belts must be worn with trousers designed for belts. Hair must be neatly cut and combed, off the ears, and off the collar when standing. Sideburns may not extend below the middle of the ear. Beards and mustaches are allowed if they have been part of the individual for at least 5 previous years of year-round wear.




It is expected that the wives of men students will observe dress regulations for lady students as well. Ladies are to be tastefully and modestly dressed. A proper skirt is defined as follows: the knee is to be covered while in a sitting position and at all times. Appropriate slips should be worn comparable to the skirt. Dresses may not have slits that extend up past the bottom of the knee. 71 Culottes that look like a skirt and are neatly styled, may be worn for leisure activities. Excessively worldly styles, low-cut necklines and backs, shorts, slacks, tight-fitting apparel and excessive make-up are forbidden.


The Administration reserves the right to have any student change his/her apparel, if deemed inappropriate. 

As a Christian institution, the Canadian Baptist Bible College expects its students to live lives that are above reproach and to exemplify Christian usefulness and kindness in their associations with instructors, fellow students and the world. Since the college aims for a definite spiritual emphasis, we believe that Christian people should manifest loyalty to Jesus Christ by living consecrated Christian lives. Therefore the following guidelines are stated:


1. The college does not permit dancing, going to movie theaters, use of tobacco, alcoholic drinks, drugs, gambling, profanity, obscenity and other forms of worldly indulgences.


2. It is the conviction of the college that complaining, destructive criticism and cynical attitudes grieve the Holy Spirit and are destructive to Christian growth and development.


3. The college expects the cooperation of all students in the development of respect for the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the school. Constructive suggestions, which are made to the proper authority, will always be welcomed.


4.The cooperation of every student is expected in the development of the respect for and the goodwill of the college throughout the community.


“Abstain from all appearance of evil.”—I Thessalonians 5:22 



Academic Requirements


1. The candidates must have completed all of their required Core courses with a grade of C or better.


2. The candidates must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.


3. The candidates must submit the proper petition to graduate in a timely manner and meet with the Registrar to confirm all requirements are met. This should be done during the fall semester prior to graduation.


4. The candidate must have the approval of the Registrar.


Spiritual Requirements

The candidate must exemplify excellent Christian and moral character.


Theological Requirements

The candidates must demonstrate their personal belief in and adherence to the doctrines as outlined in the college statement of faith. The candidates must be able to express those beliefs.


Productive Requirements

The candidates must demonstrate satisfactory development of themselves spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and socially. They must demonstrate their understanding of their purpose in life as it relates to God and the world in which they live. They have satisfactorily completed Christian service while enrolled in Canadian Baptist Bible College. 

All single students 24 years of age and younger, except those living with parents, are required to live in the college dormitories. Students 25 and older, wishing to live off-campus are subject to Administrative approval. Meals will be provided in the cafeteria for all dormitory students.


A non-refundable $50.00 room reservation deposit is required for all new dormitory students. This is to be paid upon receiving a letter of acceptance from Canadian Baptist Bible College.


A complete set of linens, twin bed spread and other items which make your room more livable should be provided by each student.


All meals are included in the cost of room and board. These are well-balanced meals, planned by our competent staff.


Any student living within an eighty kilometer radius of Canadian Baptist Bible College that chooses to live in a dormitory provided by Canadian Baptist Bible College, and is approved to live in one of the dormitories must agree to continue residence in the dormitory at the time of entering residence, until that school year is completed at graduation in May. If the student does not fulfill the agreement to reside in the dormitory until the end of the school year, he or she will not be allowed to finish or continue classes during that school year. The student must sign an agreement to abide by this policy. If the student is living with parents or guardians prior to entrance into the dormitory, the parents or guardians are required to sign the agreement also. 



The college requires all faculty, staff and students who are in any way connected with the school, to register their vehicles regardless of ownership. Each registrant must present a valid driver's license and proper insurance before cars will be allowed on campus. 

Official transcripts of academic records of a student at Canadian Bible Baptist College can be obtained by submitting a request form to the College.  The cost for the request is $15.  



Canadian Baptist Bible College requires all students and faculty to use the King James Bible for class work, assignments, homework, preaching, teaching and memorization.


Because the college believes that God has preserved His Word in the King James Bible for the English speaking people, it seeks to use textbooks, coursework and materials written by fundamental Baptists who use the King James Bible as their text and includes references from the King James Bible in their writings. However, this is not always possible because of the shortage of good quality, academic materials.


In institutions of higher learning such as Canadian Baptist Bible College, in the interest of research, reference, and scholarship, it occasionally becomes necessary to use materials written by individuals who may not hold to the standards and interpretation of Scripture nor the philosophical approach to which Canadian Baptist Bible College holds. Even though the college chooses to use these scholarly works, it does not necessarily endorse nor 75 agree with all the content of these books and materials nor does it agree with all the views of the author.


Canadian Baptist Bible College, to the best of its ability, will try to avoid those works that are too radical, too controversial, unreliable or not biblically sound. Canadian Baptist Bible College will constantly strive to seek out and provide the best materials possible that will contribute to the education of the students and their training and preparation to serve the Lord 

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