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Students at Canadian Baptist Bible College are required to participate in various ministries that will help prepare them to be effective witnesses, servants and workers in the church and the world. Many ministry opportunities are provided through Pembina Valley Baptist Church which students are encouraged to choose from.

Choir, Special

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Every church service at Pembina Valley Baptist Church provides opportunities for students to serve in the 100+ voice choir, singing in smaller groups or playing an instrument in the orchestra.

College Special Music

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The daily chapel services provide opportunities for students to sing in special musical groups.

Soul Winning


Students are able to join in the church soul winning program each Saturday afternoon.

Youth Camp

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There are opportunities for our students to serve in the week of youth camp during the summer time.

Master Club

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Every Wednesday provides many students with an opportunity to serve in the Master Club program where they can minister to children Ages 5-12.

Bus Ministry

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One of the favourite ministries of many of our college students is the bus ministry. Children are picked up and transported to the church for the Master Club program on Wednesday evenings. Workers are also careful to ensure the safety of the children in returning home.

Vacation Bible School

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For the students that are around during the summer time there are opportunities to serve in the Vacation Bible School program during the month of August.

Christmas Cantata

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Students serving in the Choir ministry are always excited to serve in the Christmas Cantata that takes place at the conclusion of the fall semesters.

Union Gospel Mission


Union Gospel Mission is a shelter located in Winnipeg that services people who are living on the streets or facing some difficult opposition and circumstances. Students are afforded the opportunity of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with these people.

Senior Home Ministries

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College students have weekly and monthly opportunities to serve in two senior homes ministries.

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